Friday, March 6, 2009

Brittney's done it again

Managed to find herself in the news for controversy I mean...

I was driving along the other day, and this new song came on the radio. After listening to it, I figured it had to be a new Brittney Spears song. I was catching most of the words, however, there were a few that were still getting past I looked it up on line to find the title. All I really had to go with was "if you see her."

Doing a search, I came up with the title "If you seek Amy." I also came up with a whole slew of "why is this song controversial" hits....

Thinking about it, I couldn't figure it out either, except for the fact that it sounded like Brit was chasing after a girl...(yeah, we can't seem to get past that as a society)...but that didn't seem like too big of a deal. After reading some of the explanations, I finally understood the fuss.

Brit made a funny! REALLY, it is pretty creative for someone having such "serious" problems not too long ago. For the slower witted (as I was) translation:

get it now?

GOOD JOB BRIT! Way to go girl!


  1. I actually like that song.

    Shhhh, don't tell anyone.

  2. Me don't worry, I won't
